Jenny Cavendish

Jenny Cavendish Unique Connections’ Specialist Advisor and a recognised UK self-harm specialist.

Jen brings an extraordinary wealth of experience and expertise, including working with individuals, stakeholders and organisations in relation to self-harm.

She is an Integrative Psychotherapist based in Coventry with over ten years’ experience of working with mental health and pastoral care within mainstream schools. She is a project manager for a national programme for teenagers who self harm or believe they may begin. This work has led her to write four books aimed at young people or parents and professionals around self harm, anxiety and anger.

She has worked as Mental Health advisor to national organisations, including the BBC, Church of England, Higher Education Colleges and Youthscape

Jen’s qualifications and experience:

·       MSc Integrative Psychotherapist

·       Post-Graduate Diploma: Trauma-informed School Practitioner (Distinction)

·       Safeguarding Level 4 - Advanced DSL trained